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November 09, 2006

04 The Magnificent Wine Company, Columbia Valley House Wine

You could make lamb meatballs with this. I don't mean mixing it up with ground, eggs, bread crumbs, and spices. I mean reducing it down to a thick paste, dehydrating it, and binding its essence with the will to taste great things. While the tannic 70% cabernet and 25% merlot back this juicy wine with pudding-like flavors of bittersweet chocolate, sweet plum, and plump raisins, it's somehow the mere 5% syrah that drives it to be, yet again, the greatest value in American wine. It's alluring, spicy, toasty, macerated fruit that reminds me of Minervois. Clove-kissed fruit that charges rustically like wild boar into the barrel of a gun. Fleshy, sauvage, like hog belly clenched between your fingers, like sweet lamb mashed with herbs de provence and fried on the back of a wooden spoon.


Blogger jens at cincinnati wine said...

Before I read this post I was only mildly starving, now I am dying of hunger to go out and have my favorite lamb dish at the local Indian restaurant and order a whole bottle of this wine (if it were on the list, but a good Syrah will do). Thanks!!

3:58 PM  

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