750 mL

An independent, public journal of tasting notes for hundreds of wines from around the world.

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March 30, 2011

750 mL Announces Merger

In a deal to send shockwaves through the industry, it's my great pleasure to announce that 750 mL has merged with... Tattoo McGrew. Well, let me explain. I'm 750 mL. And she's my girlfriend... fiancee.... I got married this weekend. So apologies for this leave of absence, but we're not dead yet. In fact, we're more alive than ever before, and looking forward to posting more frequent write-ups all spring and summer long. You'll hear about all the bubbles we popped, maybe even the brilliant cocktails we had. And, as I've grown, so too will 750 mL, expanding to include more photos, more event reviews, and much, much more of my esoteric, inflated, and sometimes slightly creepy witticisms about the wines I'm so honored to drink each day.


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